Why Is Computer Necessary?

Today, there would be hardly any person who would not know what a computer is, I think every old man and child knows about it. Still, for our readers, we thought of telling you why a computer is important.

Whether a person is from a village or belongs to another town, he has to go to the Aadhaar center to make his documents like an Aadhaar card, and to make the Aadhaar card, he has to go in front of the computer.

What is the need for computers in human life, and how does it benefit people? We will tell you through this post, so let us know about the importance of computers. Why are computers necessary for human life?

Why is a computer necessary?

Today, robotics are used to increase production capacity in big industries and companies that are completely run by computers. To provide all kinds of facilities to such a large population of the world, mass production is required, which is not possible without computers.

Nowadays, computers have become an important part of our lives. Whether you believe it or not, every one of us uses it directly and indirectly every day.

Let us know about how computers fulfill our needs in our lives.


Almost every bank uses computers so that it can provide the best service to its customers and keep reports of their transactions.

Apart from this, the computer also provides speed, security, and ease of work.


Due to the use of computers, communication has become much easier and for which we use the Internet.

When a computer is connected to the Internet, one can easily contact anyone in any corner of the world. computer uses telephone line and madam for this

This facility has given a lot of convenience to humans. When we want to send a message to someone, we can easily send it through email in just a few seconds to any person in any part of the world.

In today’s time, just imagine that you have to send a letter to a person who lives in America, and you want to send your message to him while living in India. How many days will it take?

This may take weeks. Whereas using a computer and the internet, if we send a message to that person through email in his email address, then this message reaches him in a few seconds.

If we look at it in this context, it saves us a lot of time. The task that was once impossible, i.e., sending a message to the other corner of the world, has also become very easy.

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It can never be denied that computers have become an integral part of corporate life.

Business transactions are done with great ease and accuracy, apart from this, records of the profits and losses of the company are also maintained.

Today we can see computers in every business, like stores, supermarkets, and restaurants. They use software as per their need to do their work which easily calculates their bill in seconds.

Any person can buy things online and also pay their bills and taxes.

You can even know the future ups and downs in your business with the help of intelligence software.

It also plays a very important role in the stock market.

Medical Science

Today, if you go to any hospital, to detect any type of disease, three types are connected to computers and can easily detect diseases occurring inside the body.

Doctors use similar instruments to view any organ inside the body, like the lungs, kidneys, etc., in real-time. Doctors use special software to operate the patient during surgery.

We can understand the importance of computers in the medical field from the fact that a doctor who performed a successful operation was in England, and he operated on an American patient through a robot.

This miracle could happen only because of the computer, otherwise, it would have been impossible for that doctor to travel such a long distance and reach the patient at the right time under any circumstances.


Today, the contribution of computers has become very important in the field of education, and without their knowledge, no matter how much we study, we cannot get a job.

That is why, in every educational institution, computer-related information is given from the beginning, no matter what type of course one is taking.

If you have seen any child, then you must have noticed that children learn any poem or story very quickly through videos, and children are taught in smart classes using the principle.


News channels make full use of computers and their technology and keep providing all types of news to people through graphics and visuals.

You must have seen the information about your weather, which is shown in 3D, i.e., 3-dimensional form, on the map.

Apart from this, many types of characters are also shown to people in the form of cartoons so that they can attract people.

Ticket Booking And Travel

Computers are used to reserve train or plane tickets. Now you must have gone to the railway ticket booking center and must have seen the people working at the counter that computers are necessary there too because people book their tickets sitting in front of it.

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Through computers, reserved and vacant tickets can be easily known, and it is also easy to know when to go.

Apart from this, there are many other third-party intermediaries, like MakeMyTrip, etc., that provide the facility to people to book everything from tickets to hotels for travel.

Weather Forecast

Today, with the help of computers, the changes in weather happening all over the world are monitored and recorded. Information about future weather is also given.

We are also able to see through news channels that scientists find out how many days there will be rain or sunshine in the next few days.

Satellites orbiting above the Earth are connected to computers, which is why it is necessary to detect the directions of winds and clouds, and thus the weather is predicted by scientists.


The use of computers has started increasing in sports. We can easily see its use in cricket and football matches.

When the umpire is not able to detect a runout in real-time, he passes it on to the third umpire, who can easily find out whether the runout is by going back through the video on the computer and playing it slowly.

Similarly, in football, etc., if any situation arises where it becomes difficult to find out, then the referee finds out through the video and makes the right decision.

Routine Tasks

We operate many types of home-use machines, like washing machines, microwave ovens, and many other products, using software.

Apart from this, we can store all the information about our important work, appointments, routines, and contact lists.

So we cannot deny or say how important the computer is today, it is playing a very important role in our lives. Today, the time has come when we cannot imagine a world without computers.


The computer is such a device in human life that is necessary in every way and it is being used every day. If someone says that he does not need a computer, then he is lying.

That is why through this post we gave you information about why computers are important in every person’s life. We tried to explain the need for computers in different aspects in this post.

We hope that through this post you have now understood the need for a computer. If you liked the post then please share it.

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