What Is The History Of Computer?

History Of Computer: Today, if we hear the name of the computer, different types of thoughts come to mind because this is the only device for which it is obvious that thoughts are generated in the brain. That is why it is important to know what the history of computers is.

Today, the use of computers has brought a revolution to the world.

Today, it is being used very importantly in every country of the world in various fields (like business, media, industry, defense, etc.) in government and non-government offices, etc.

Today, everyone is more dependent on technology, and all this has been possible due to computers and their rapid development.

If you want to know about computers in a new and detailed way, then this article is going to be very important for you, so read it till the end.

Meaning Of Computer?

It is an electronic device or machine that numerically and logically constructs the input data and instructions and gives information as a result in the output. It does the work that takes hours in minutes.

It is also used for typing documents, sending mail to someone, playing games, entertainment, etc.

At present, humans have reached the Moon and Mars, all this has happened through technology, which has been possible through computers, all this is the result of the hard work of scientists.

Some Links Related To Computer

The history of computers is quite old. It is about 2500 years old. If we look at some evidence, it is about 3000 years old.

It was first introduced in China as an abacus. Such small devices were invented. Then gradually, various types of changes and improvements were made in these devices, and only then could “modern computers”  be created.

The detailed information about the efforts, experiments, etc. involved in its creation is known as the “History of the Computer.”.


The abacus was first invented in China. This was a calculating instrument. It consisted of a wooden rack or frame to which two wires were attached.

These two wires were parallel to each other. Baked clay balls were threaded on these wires, and the numbers were calculated by moving them up and down or here and there.

Traders used it to calculate their business because addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division could be done easily through this machine.

Even today, its modern form is used in China, Japan, Germany, and various countries in Asia.

Blaise Pascal Or Pascaline

In the seventeenth century, there was a French mathematician and scientist whose name was Blaise Pascal.

When he was only 19 years old, he invented a digital calculating machine in 1569 AD, which he named Blaise Pascal.

It was a mechanical digital calculator machine. This machine had a series of wheels with numbers on them, which had to be dialed or rotated.

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It is also called an adding machine because it can only add.

This clock worked on the principle of the V odometer. This machine is also called Pascaline.

It worked faster than the abacus. Pascal was the first modern scientist who developed a calculator.

Napier Bones

This instrument was also invented by an English mathematician, John Napier, in the year 1617 AD in the seventeenth century.

This was a calculating device that was named Napier Bones.

It was a rectangular machine that was used for addition, multiplication, division, etc.

Napier has made an important contribution to the development of computers. He is very famous because of his invention, “Log Earthim.”.

Their logo was used to solve any complex problem in a very short time.

Jacquard Loom

The weaver Joseph Jaccard invented a device in 1801 that controlled the design with a punch card.

Jaccard was a French scientist.

The specialty of his machine was that it made the design of the cloth from a punch card pattern made of cardboard. The threads were guided by the presence or absence of pictures on the punch cards.

Analytical And Differential Engine

Charles Babbage is considered the father of the modern computer. Taking inspiration from Pascaline, he invented an engine in 1922 that we know as an analytical and differential engine.

He created many such machines that could calculate accurately.

He first built a general computer in the form of an analytical engine, based on which today’s computers are built.

That is why he is also called the father of the computer.

He was a British mathematician.

He had envisioned a computer that would be automatic, but he could not complete it, which was completed by salt scientist Harthon Hollerith.

Development Of Computers based on Generation

Now in our next article, we will tell you about the development of computers on the basis of generation, which is as follows:

First Generation

The first heavy-duty computer was introduced.

These lasted from 1940 to 1957. The size and shape of computers in this generation were very large. It used to be the size of a room.

There was a great fear of their breakup. They used to emit a large amount of heat; hence, there was a greater need to cool them.

Their main equipment used to be vacuum tubes and magnetic drums. In this type of computer, 0 and 1 were used for language coding. The first computer of this generation was the Enic.

Second Generation

This generation lasted from 1947 to 1963. In this generation of computers, transistors were used instead of vacuums.

It used to be a little lighter.

They were somewhat better than them and were smaller in size than the first generation, besides, they emitted less heat than the earlier computers, and their working speed was also faster.

Third Generation

Integrated circuits have been used in this generation. In this, a chip was used instead of a transistor.

It was made of silicon metal. In this generation, computers that were lighter, more capable, and faster in speed were manufactured.

Computers of this era were very reliable and capable of running more and more programs at the same time.

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Computers at this time were mainly used as personal computers. This generation lasted from 1963 to 1971.

Fourth Generation

The period of this generation is from 1971 until now. The computers we are using today have been around since this time.

Even the laptop that we use today is the result of the hard work of this generation. Due to the use of microprocessors, their size has reduced considerably, and we can take them with us anywhere.

These are the best of all the first generations, small in size, shape, and fast-moving. The technology of this generation is called VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).

Fifth Generation

This is the next generation, which is completely based on the future, so it is obvious that its computers also depend on the future.

Work on this is still going on, and success has been achieved to some extent. These computers are based on artificial intelligence.

They will be able to do their work on their own. USLI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology is being used in these. You can see this kind of technology in machines like robots, etc.

Computers In India

The credit for bringing the computer to India goes to Dr. Davis Dutta, who first introduced it in the Indian Institute of Science, Kolkata, in 1972. It was an analog computer.

But the real beginning of the computer in India was in 1956. The first electronic computer and digital computer, HEC-2M, were brought inside the Indian Institute of Science, Kolkata.

With the arrival of this computer, India became the second country in Asia, after Japan, to use computer technology.

Then, after some time, in 1958, a computer named “URL” was installed in the Indian Statistical Institute of Kolkata.

It was purchased from Russia.

It was bigger than “HEC-2M”.

Till now all the computers used in India were purchased from other countries.

Then in 1966, two Indian institutions (Indian Statistical Institute and Jadavpur University) together created a computer in India which was named “ISIJU”.

It was a transistor-based computer and after this gradually computers started being made in India itself.

The first supercomputer in India was built in the nineties in 1991, which is known as “Param-8000”.

Today in India, big and latest computers are made by big and good companies.

Today India has many more supercomputers that are more powerful and capable than this one.

But Param-8000 was different, because of which the digital world started in India.

This increased so much confidence that India made many more supercomputers.


Computers are creating a new revolution every day across the world.

Its use is increasing in every field, hence it has become very important for everyone to have proper knowledge about computers. Because now everyone uses it in daily life, then of course it is important to have complete information about it.

Keeping these few things in mind, today through this article we have discussed what is the history of computers. Informed about this from the beginning till now.

I hope you liked the information given. Friends, if you liked the information given in the post, then please share it.

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