What Is Computer: Exploring Definitions, Features, Importance, and More

What is a Computer? In terms of usage, the most popular device in the twentieth century is a computer. Computers process raw data and convert it into outputs, which are addressed by hardware, software, and firmware. It is being used in various fields, which gives positive results.

Computers have transformed technological and scientific activities and contributed to prosperity. Due to its vital role, the computer has become an integral part of today’s world.

What Is a Computer?

The computer is an electronic device with which you can do large calculations. With this, data can be kept safe, and PDF files can be created. It is also possible to create folders and listen to music from the computer. A safe way to keep documents safe is to use a computer. Through this, you can enjoy various services and information by using the internet.

It is composed of three main components: input (keyboard and mouse), processor (CPU), and output (display). In input, we use a keyboard and mouse, which send the data to the processor. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) understands the data and takes action at the highest speed. As output, we can understand the information using a display or computer screen. Through this process, we use computers to present information from input to output.

What Is The Full Form Of Computer

People may be surprised to hear the full form of a computer, but it is a short form. In this article, we will learn what the full form of the computer is and what its meaning is. The computer is a technical device that is denoted by a specific word. The main objective of this article is to clarify the full form of computers so that everyone has this knowledge.

To redefine it as a smaller word, its full form has been created. Let’s read this article carefully so that you can know what the correct full form of a computer is.

C: Commonly, O: operated, M: machine, P: particularly U: used for T: technical, E: educational, and R: research.

It is an electronic device used in technical and academic research. It is used in the fields of computation, data processing, and calculation. The computer is also called ‘computer’ and ‘abhikalak yantra’
The word computer originated from ‘computer’, which means calculation. It is related to the English word ‘compute’, which in Hindi means to calculate. The main purpose of the computer was to perform calculations, but with time, more functions were added to it. Nowadays, this device has found its place in homes, because it makes many tasks easier. With this, files and data can be saved faster.

The Internet can be used properly and business-related work can also be done from a computer. This instrument has increased its speed and improvement, as well as utility in various fields. It helps you with complex calculations and storage tasks. This device has made life simple and technical with its features.

What Is The Definition Of a Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that processes input and converts it into output at the command of the user. It simplifies calculations and can calculate all the data. This device stores all the data securely.

You can check and modify the data and files in the folder. Through this, if you want, you can easily transfer your data from one place to another. Computers allow you to perform calculations quickly and safely. This tool gives you a special way to manage data easily.

How Does A Computer Work?

Everyone works on a desktop and laptop. But not everyone knows how it works. So if you want to know, then go ahead. You will get answers to all your questions.

Input: First of all, the user enters the data from the input device, it is called input. This is a set of data or information. Which are of many types like letters, numbers, words, audio, video, etc.

Processing: This is an internal process. Processes the input data based on the instructions given in the program.

Output: Processed data is seen on the monitor as a result, it is called output. When the data is processed, it becomes available to us through a monitor screen, printer, or audio device.

Characteristics Or Features Of Computer

The computer is an electronic device that helps in data processing. Its speed and capacity are increasing rapidly, thereby improving efficiency. This instrument is being widely used in various fields, such as education, business, and science.

1. Speed

  • Computers are designed to work at high speeds.
  • Due to the programming in it, it can perform functions easily and quickly.
  • Due to programming, this device processes data very quickly.
  • Its fast working capacity provides results at high speed.
  • The secret of mastery of this instrument lies in programming and fast processing.

2. Accuracy

  • Computers are more accurate in data and performance than manual methods.
  • The workings of this instrument are always accurate, if there is no mistake of the user.
  • It processes the data properly and provides results.
  • Computer errors can occur due to incorrect input by the user.
  • This instrument provides accurate results independently of the data fed.
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3. Reliability

  • This tool is a reliable source, its work is reliable, and the errors are less manual.
  • It remains accurate in results even after years and provides the facility to change data.
  • The data fed by the computer remains stable and can be used later.
  • With accurate results, the computer provides the user with the freedom to change the data as per the requirements.
  • This instrument is a reliable and high-tech instrument that works with long-term stability and precision.

4. Multitasking

  • Computer multitasking saves time and energy because it can handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • It can handle data modification, email checking, and Internet browsing without interruption.
  • This capability of this device increases the user’s thoughtfulness, as he can concentrate on multiple tasks at the same time.
  • Multitasking has streamlined the workflow and helped users juggle various tasks seamlessly.
  • This makes better use of time, and the computer can switch between different applications and tasks at the same time.

5. Super Memory

  • Computer memory is so clean, that files years old can be rendered in minutes.
  • A year-old file can be in any folder, just search and you will find it.
  • Whatever data will fit in the memory can be made available immediately by this device.
  • You can get the data extracted from the memory of the computer whenever you want.
  • With the high capacity of this device, you can easily store large volumes of data.

Main Parts Of Computer

The main parts of a computer include the CPU, RAM, and motherboard. By connecting these parts to the motherboard, the main board of this device is formed. The CPU, the brain of this device, works at speed and processes data. RAM stores information immediately, allowing the device to work faster. A hard drive permanently stores data and houses the operating system.

Input Device

  • Input devices are used to send data and instructions directly to the CPU.
  • Input devices are the medium that transmits instructions to the system.
  • These provide a means of direct communication between humans and the system.
  • Data and instructions can be inputted from a variety of input devices.
  • Input can be taken from input devices like a keyboard, light pen, digital camera, mouse, or scanner.
  • Instructions coming from the input device tell the system how to use what.
  • It is a medium to transmit data to the CPU.
  • Instructions coming from input devices directly tell the CPU how to do a job.
  • Data and instructions can be passed to the CPU through input devices.
  • Instructions coming from input devices tell the system how to take action.


  • The motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer, on which all the components are connected.
  • This thin plate connects all the bones, like the optical drive, CPU, and hard drive.
  • The motherboard helps the system function properly.
  • Through this, it is easy to give commands to the computer and take action.
  • Along with the motherboard, data can be safely stored on the hard drive.
  • You can access your data at any moment.
  • It plays an important role in improving your instrument.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

  • The CPU, the brain of the computer, is located in the motherboard.
  • The computer functions with a fast processor.
  • A fast CPU loads data faster.
  • Increases speed in internet surfing.
  • CPU helps in data analysis.
  • This equipment makes processing fast and efficient.
  • A fast CPU is important for quick action.

Output Device

  • When the data is processed, the output device displays the results on the monitor.
  • The speaker provides sound as an output.
  • The printer displays the data to the user by printing it on paper.
  • The projector displays the image on a large screen.
  • Provides output to the user in the form of photos, videos, and shapes.
  • The output device produces sound from earphones.
  • Monitor, speaker, printer—each of these devices provides output.
  • Earphones are an important device for audio output.
  • Displays data from the printer to the user by printing it on paper.
  • The output device of the system can also use a projector as a projector.

Hard Disk Drive

  • A hard drive is a permanent memory in a computer.
  • It is made up of several layers and stores data.
  • It has the option to read and write.
  • All the data remains safe on the hard drive.
  • You can access the data whenever you want.
  • Data can be restored from the hard drive.
  • With this, data can be accessed securely.
  • Data is stored permanently on the hard drive.
  • It provides a secure place to save data.
  • You can access your data from a hard drive anytime without technical support.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

  • RAM is the temporary memory of a computer, which is measured in GB and MB.
  • The more RAM, the better the processing and the faster the speed.
  • Files remain safe in the hard drive because RAM is temporary memory.
  • Due to this, data does not get deleted when the device is switched off.
  • Use your hard drive to save your files.
  • Data may be lost from temporary memory.
  • The importance of RAM lies in its fast processing and stability.

Power Supply

  • A switched-mode power supply (SMPS) is an electrical device that provides power.
  • This provides electricity to all parts of the system.
  • SMPS manages power in different ways.
  • This helps in reducing electrical dissipation.
  • An optimized and efficient SMPS protects the system state.
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Who Invented the Computer?

This invention changed the world and made things much easier. Yesterday’s weather also shows this, it has improved all the work. The father of this invention was Charles Babbage, who created the “Differential Engine” in 1822. Babbage succeeded in creating the first modern system in the form of the “Analytical Engine” in 1837. The analytical engine included ALU, flow control, and integrated memory. It helped many people develop the systems.

Nowadays, systems are also based on the same model. He is considered the father of the modern-day system. Without this, our daily routine would not have been possible. All scientists and engineers consider it important. This marked the beginning of the technological era. It helps in introducing information technology. Without this, modern science and technology would have been incomplete. It made people believe that the impossible was possible. Its invention laid the foundation of prosperity and accessibility.

Computer Usage

  • Computers can be used for online education.
  • This instrument is used in software development.
  • This instrument can be used for data collection.
  • This device can be used for online shopping.
  • Computers can be used for Internet surfing.
  • Computers are used for data processing in office work.
  • Computers can be used for gaming.
  • Computers are used for banking and financial information.
  • Computers are used for simulation in science and research.
  • Computers can be used for designing and graphics.
  • Computers are used for software testing.
  • Computers are used for modeling in technology and engineering.
  • Computers are used for automation in business organizations.
  • Computers can be used for online meetings.
  • A computer for personal use is useful for entertainment.

History Of Computer

“Abacus” was invented 2000 years ago, it is the world’s first computer. This is a wooden rack, through which mathematical calculations are done. The development of “Abacus” is divided into 5 generations, which explains its modern form. Each generation explained how and in what ways it became modern. It is generally classified into 5 generations, which makes its development clear.

Generation Of Computer

First Generation: First Generation Vaccum Tubes (1940–1956)

The first generation of computers had memory made from vacuum tubes and magnetic drums, which were larger and consumed more power. Its use also caused problems with heat and malfunction. Input was taken from punch cards and paper tape, and paper output was used for printout. This included computers like UNIVAC and ENIAC. Using this generation of computers was expensive and complex.

Second Generation – Second Generation Transistor (1956–1963)

  • The transistor was invented by Bell Labs in 1947, and replaced vacuum tubes.
  • Transistors worked many times faster and cheaper than vacuum tubes.
  • Assembly language and high-level languages ​​were used in second-generation computers.
  • COBOL and FORTRAN were high-level programming languages ​​for second-generation computers.
  • The use of transistors increased the speed of computers and made them cheaper to run.

Third Generation – Third Generation Integrated circuits (1964-1971)

  • Integrated circuits replaced transistors in this generation, which were incorporated into silicon chips.
  • As a semiconductor, it increased the speed and efficiency of computing.
  • Instead of punch cards and printouts, keyboards and monitors started being used.
  • With this, operating systems were developed which help in operating the computer.
  • This process took computing to a new and higher level.

Fourth generation – Fourth generation Microprocessor (1971-Present)

  • In the fourth-generation microprocessor, thousands of integrated circuits were integrated into a single silicon chip.
  • The Intel 4004 chip was developed in 1971, in which all components were fixed.
  • This system was first developed for home use by IBM in 1981.
  • This system was developed with the ability to capture an entire room.
  • It now also developed hand sizes and intellectual property was protected.

Fifth Generation – Fifth Generation Artificial Intelligence (Present and Beyond)

  • The fifth generation of artificial intelligence is based on voice recognition, which is under development.
  • Quantum calculations and parallel processing are examples of artificial intelligence.
  • With Artificial Intelligence they are capable of making decisions on their own.
  • We are seeing a form of this technology in the form of voice recognition in essentials.
  • In the field of Artificial Intelligence, these are companions who provide support themselves.

FAQ – Computer-Related Questions

What is a workstation computer?

Work station computer is a powerful and designed computer for special purposes. It is installed at a permanent location with commercial properties and capabilities and meets the requirements of high speed and performance. This may include a larger number of processing units, more RAM, graphics cards, and other advanced hardware.

Who is the father of computers?

The father of the computer is not any one person, rather the computer has been developed with the cooperation of many people. However, if we single out one person as the prime mover and supporter of this technological evolution, then Charles Babbage is considered the “Father of the Computer”.

When did computers first come to India?

The first computer in India came in 1956. Its name was Hektor and it was provided to the Indian Statistical Institute by the Government of India. Hector was the first electronic digital computer in India and was used for fractionation and statistical calculations.

What is a computer family?

A computer family is a category of computers with the same design and microprocessors that support each other. A good example of this is the IBM or PC family vs the Apple or Mac family of computers.

In Short

The computer has occupied an important place in our time and it has made our life simple and easy. This is an important step in the field of science and technology which helps us move forward in the rapidly changing world. Computers have contributed to various fields in the times to come, such as education, economic development, health, and science.

Computers have changed communication around the world and are helping people connect. It has also helped in exploring new ideas and new solutions and created new frameworks in various fields. Computers are being used to make calculations, data storage, and various tasks more simple and efficient. Its unique contribution has made the times to come even more interesting and has provided a new perspective to the individual.

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