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What Is AutoCAD And How To Use It?


AutoCAD: Before building a house, a map is prepared, and for this work, a design company or a good engineer is contacted. If you know how an engineer designs a map to build a house, then the answer is AutoCAD, but you might hardly know what AutoCAD is.

If you are not aware of this term, then it does not matter, After reading this post, you will understand a lot about it and will also know what is meant by AutoCAD.

There are many ways of employment for those who know how to work on this software. This is software that is not only used in house design but is also used in mechanical work like designing and drawing machines.

It is mostly used by students studying engineering or those who are learning graphic designing and visual designing, they do this course. If you are new to this field and want to know how to learn AutoCAD, then in this post we will tell you about it in detail.

Today we will give you information about its definition and will also tell you what its full form is. You will also understand the importance of this course and what its benefits are because it is not used in just one field but is extensively used for designing in many fields. this

That’s why I thought of giving you complete information about this software so that you can also learn it and understand how to run it. So friends, what are you waiting for, let’s start and know what is and how to learn it.

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a 2D and 3D computer-aided drafting software application used to prepare blueprints in architectural construction and manufacturing. Besides, it is also used in engineering plants.

The person who uses it is professionally known as a drafter. AutoCAD was created by Autodesk company, and Autodesk itself launched it on the market. This
was the first CAD program that was designed to run on a personal computer.

This program has been named AutoCAD because of its function, which automatically understands the commands given by the user and then gives its output as per the needs of the user. The drawings made in this are made in great detail, and this picture explains the design.

These can be in 2D, i.e., 2D, like a plan in which we can see the arrangement of the room. Apart from this, we can also design in 3-dimensional form, in which we can see the pipe in the form of a drawing.

As you already know, AutoCAD was created by Autodesk company, which is capable of designing 2D and 3D models as well as creating solids.

Before computer-aided drafting, manual and drafting tools like a drafting pencil, a border pencil, an ink pen, a compass, a triangle, etc. were used, but now programs like these are used for such work.

Since its original version was released in 1982, this software quickly became the most widely used program in the world. AutoCAD helps you in making the design of your choice and you can also modify the created design and for this use 3D free form design tool.

And you can turn it into cinematic quality and animated presentation through 3D rendering. Apart from this software, Autodesk has also developed many variants which are used in different specific areas according to the work.

This program includes AutoCAD Architecture, Civil 3D, Electrical, MAP 3D, Mechanical Plant 3D, MAP P&ID, and AutoCAD LT.

What Is The Full Form Of AutoCAD

Automatic Computer Aided Design

History Of AutoCAD

AutoCAD has been available on the market since 1982,, which makes it the first card system developed for PC. This means that AutoCAD has been around longer than Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Windows.

Earlier in the 70s, commercial programs used to run on mainframe computers or mini computers. Each user worked on a separate graphic terminal. If the designer did not have access to these, the old school would create drawings using a drafting square.

It used to take many days, even weeks, to make new drawings and then do the calculations. Imagine how much technical calculation and use of calculators and mathematical tables had to be done to provide this much support. The worst thing was that even small errors used to occur in it which were very difficult to stop.

Autodesk, the company that introduced Auto CAD, was founded in 1982 by John Walker. He, along with the 15 founders of his company, started working on five different automation applications and they hoped that perhaps one of these applications would be successful in the market.

This is what happened, the Auto CAD program created by him became successful in the market. He launched AutoCAD at the COMDEX trade show in Las Vegas, the world’s first CAD program to run on PC.

By March 1986, just 4 years after its introduction, AutoCAD had become the most used design application worldwide and has remained the most popular drafting application ever since. Now this program has completed almost 35 years and during this time it has continuously progressed.

In reality, 31 versions have been made from December 1982 till date. To capture all the areas related to design, it used many new features in this application. This software supports API, which makes it possible to do customization and optimization and due to this, new features have also been added to it like AutoCAD, Architecture, Electrical, and Civil are being used.

Recently, in the last 5 years, Autodesk also created mobile and cloud-based applications in which they created AutoCAD 360, Fusion 360, and A360 viewer. Design for documentation tools were included in these programs and it also provided the facility to share them using the internet.

Uses Of Autocad

This program was initially made for mechanical engineers but very soon it started being used in every field. It can be said that AutoCAD became successful because most of its users include design professionals, including architects, project managers, animators, and engineers.

Construction – Construction Work

Construction is the field where AutoCAD is used the most.

Autodesk Building Design Suite is a software that provides the 3D design of buildings and also combines building information modeling and many tools to make it easier for engineers to visualize, stimulate and work on core construction designs.

If we take an example of how successful work is done with AutoCAD, the biggest example of this is the construction of Shanghai Tower. The tower is a very complex structure and the developer quickly realized that traditional building methods tools and other design software were unable to complete the project.

That is why the design offered by BIM helped the developers to visualize the tower in 3D and have a complete understanding of the twisting structure of the tower.

Using BIM greatly helped the team in analyzing the design and making decisions and also helped in monitoring energy analysis and saving material in the building to create an environment-friendly ultra-high-rise building.

Tower owners and developers credit BIMR AutoCAD for the successful construction of the building. From a property owner’s perspective, BIM is a very effective tool for investment control along with the construction and management of the entire project.


It is not only the construction sector where AutoCAD is used but it is also used a lot in the entertainment sector. 3D animation is used to create high-quality classic animation for entertainment.

The toolset is used to create a modern flexible graphics pipeline and allows visual effects artists and models to push the boundaries of their creative abilities and increase their production and completion time.

How To Run AutoCAD?

Want to run AutoCAD and you do not know about it at all? If you are wondering how to run it, then we are going to tell you this. Because those who do this course are told all the things during the course about how to work in this program. The subjects covered under this which are included in its syllabus are given theory as well as practicals.

But for those who do not do the AutoCAD course and want to learn it through YouTube, then for you need to have some basic knowledge of it, only then you can learn it online.

First of all, you will have to install AutoCAD software on your computer. When its interface starts, any new user does not understand at all what to do. For this, the first thing is important to know what we see in its interface. Is a function. So let us know it step by step.

Before we start drawing, you will have to get a good grasp of its interface, which may take you 10 to 15 minutes. Here we will tell you only the basics, so you have to pay a lot of attention.

Commands are mainly used in this software, so we are going to give you a list of commands using which you can run it very easily.

Command Description
L With this command, we create a line in CAD.
C We use it to make circles.
REC We use this command to create a rectangle.
ARC As the name suggests, we use this command to create an arc in CAD.
POL We can use this comment to make a polygon in which we can make 1024 sides from at least 3 sides.
PL We use it to create polylines in drawings.
ELLIPSE With this, we can create an ellipse in AutoCAD with minor and major axes.
CO This command is used to copy an object in AutoCAD.
REG This command is used to create region geometry in AutoCAD.
ON With its help, you can open the option window in which the settings of AutoCAD are available.
TR This command is also used to trim geometry.
ARRAY This command is used to create rectangular, polar, or path arrays.
B This command is used to create a block. The properties of the block are defined using the block definition window.
SC This comment is used to change the scale of an object.
X This command is used to load any object like an array to convert Polyline to a simple line or block to convert to simple geometry etc.
ST Using this comment you can open the Text Style window that controls the properties of the default AutoCAD text style.
I This command can be used to insert an existing block or drawing as 1 block in AutoCAD.
F This command can be used to add rounded corners to sharp edges. These rounded corners are also called Fillet.
THE This command is used to open the layer properties. This is a tool that is used to create and manage the layers of the design.
NO This command can be used to add arrow edges to sharp corners, these slanted edges are also called chamfers.

How To Learn AutoCAD?

Nothing is impossible in today’s time because we and you have internet facilities available all the time. But there are some courses which are very difficult to learn on your own.

AutoCAD is one such course in which to gain mastery, you will have to take classes from a good AutoCAD center. But it is not that if you do not go to the institute then you will not be able to learn it, you can also learn it by watching videos on YouTube.

I believe that no one can learn better than the person who learns from himself, that is, he experiments on his own, he fails many times, but when he gets success, he remembers that step for his whole life, in this way he learns about his subject. A person can become a genius because he experiments again and again.

It depends more on practical knowledge than theory, which is why it can be learned with the help of YouTube because in YouTube videos we see each step through video. That is why learning in this way is very beneficial.

Courses Duration Type of Programme
Basic Autocad 2 Months Certificate Programme
Diploma in Autocad 2 months Undergraduate Diploma Programme
Advanced Course in CADD 3 Months Certificate Programme
Advanced Autocad Course 3 Months Certificate Programme
Master Diploma in Architectural CADD 2 Months Postgraduate Diploma Programme

Important topics taught in this course

AutoCAD Interface

Sketch Entities & Sketch Tools

Block, W-Block, X-Attach & X-Ref

Job Opportunities After Doing the AutoCAD Course

AutoCAD is a very job-oriented course and opens up great employment opportunities in the design field.

Although the syllabus is quite small it increases the chances of the candidates to get a high salary package in civil engineering architecture and designing field.

Along with civil engineering, some things can be done after applying for the syllabus of this course.

When someone does B. Tech in Civil Engineering and also does a course in this, his salary can range from ₹ 4 lac to ₹ 9 lac and it also depends on the aggregates of B. Tech and his skill.

For those who have done a Diploma in Civil Engineering and do this course, their salary can be up to ₹ 3 lac. The best salary is given to students who have done IIT and also to those candidates who have 2 to 3 years of experience.

Entry Level Jobs

Future Job Positions

Advantages Of AutoCAD

What are the benefits of using it due to this it is very easy to work with, so let us know about it.

In Short

Designing is a field that requires skill from a person and very few people are skilled. Those who have mastered some designing software and this is the result of a lot of hard work.

If you also want to go into the field of design and want to become an expert in software like AutoCAD, then you should join an institute.

I think now you understand very well what is AutoCAD Apart from this, you must have also understood how to learn AutoCAD and what is its full form so that you can get the best job and progress in it.

India’s population is very high but if any professional course is done properly then finding employment is not very difficult.

But if this is not possible for you, then you can easily learn this designing software sitting at home and you will also know how to run AutoCAD. I hope you have understood what happens in AutoCAD.

We hope that you have liked this post and if you liked this post, then do share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

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