Understanding the Various Types of Computers

What are the types of computers? In today’s modern era, computer systems have become very important. Without it, 80% of the work is incomplete because everyone is using it to complete it. This is the reason why in today’s post we will know what the types of computers are.

By working with the system, time can be saved and the work can be done perfectly. This device has changed the way the world works. All we can say is that today it has become very difficult to work without this device.

You must know the history of computers, it started as a calculator, and till now many types of modern systems have been made for many purposes, which you can read in detail one by one below.

Basic Information About Computer

This is an electronic machine. In which the work is completed according to certain guidelines. The name of this electronic device is taken from the Latin word computer. Its meaning is to calculate.

In its working process, the first piece of data is input through the input device.

After that, the CPU processes the input data and provides output through the monitor.

This is a technique by which any work can be done with perfect efficiency in less time. That is why it is important to understand the importance of the features of the computer .

It is not very difficult to operate this device. This instrument is divided into different parts on different bases.

What Are the Types Of Computers?

This is a device that is also known as a multipurpose machine or multi-purpose device. This instrument is being used in every type of business.

Be it a bank or any other shop, however, now that schools, understand the importance of computers and give importance to their education, basic computer courses are being given to the students.

This instrument is divided into different parts on a different basis. It has been divided on three grounds, which are as follows:.

1. based on application
2. based on purpose
3. based on size

1. Depending On The Application

Based on application, this instrument is divided into three parts.

A. Analog Computer
B. Digital Computer
C. Hybrid Computer

A. Analog Computer

It is a special type of device that presents analog data. This means analog data.

This data is not in the form of numbers. This data is in the form of physical quality. Which cannot be calculated. This type of data collection works as an analog system.

This type of instrument is used to measure voltage, temperature, etc. because this type of data is not in numbers.

Present as a physical quality. Which is assessed by an analog system. This instrument measures physical quality data in numerical form.

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B. Digital Computer

Such systems are considered to be the most popular devices of today’s times because they are mainly used in every type of business.

This instrument provides numerical data. Its job is to calculate data by processing numerical data.

This is a device used in all types of businesses, like tally accounting, etc. All the work related to data is done on this digital computer.

C. Hybrid Computer

This type of system has the properties of both analog and digital computers. It is named a hybrid because it is capable of doing both tasks.

This type of equipment is mainly used in hospitals. Because in hospitals, along with the assessment of physical data, there is also a need to assess numerical data.

2. Depending On The Purpose

Based on purpose, it has been divided into two types.

  • A. General Purpose Computer
  • B. Special Purpose Computer

A. General Purpose Computer

Its name itself suggests that it is a device used for general purposes, and there are many different parts of this device i.e. computer.

Although this device can perform many types of multiple tasks over time,  its name is General Purpose Computer. This type of equipment is quite cheap.

The capacity of the CPU installed in this type of device is less. These instruments are mostly used personally.

This type of device is mainly used for playing games, watching movies, and listening to songs because it cannot be used officially due to the low performance of the CPU.

General purpose systems are designed in different ways for different purposes. This type of device is used in filing complaints in police stations, making children take courses related to it in schools and colleges, etc.

B. Special Purpose Computer

This system is used to produce many types of special mangoes. The CPU installed in this system is downloaded with a special type of new technology. That is why this device has been named a Special Purpose Computer.

It is used to perform specific types of tasks, like systems used in ISRO, systems used in hospitals, and systems used in laboratories.

These special-purpose systems are also used in many other technical departments. The CPU installed in these devices is of very high performance.

This type of device is also used to control traffic systems, launch satellites, and predict the weather.

This type of device is made to perform a specific task only, and the CPU installed in this type of device is specially designed for that task.

3. Based On Size

Based on its size and its processing speed, the system is divided into four parts. Which is as follows:.

A. Super Computer
B. Mainframe Computer
C. Mini Computer
D. Microcomputer

A. Super Computer

The processing speed and performance of this type of system are very high and full. This device is also known as a supercomputer.

The number of CPUs installed in this device can be greater than 1. This type of equipment is used to accomplish many big tasks. For which people with high working capacity are also required.

All the systems involved in this system perform the same type of work together. This instrument is used to accomplish special tasks. This type of system is mainly used by scientists in research organizations.

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These systems are very large. To house these, a big building or a big hall is required. Because generally, this device cannot be kept in small rooms. This system heats up very quickly.

This system is also large and performs many special park functions. Which requires a lot of energy.

That is why an air conditioner is required to keep this system cool. This type of super-fast computer was first manufactured in 1964. This system was created by Seymour Cray.

B. Mainframe Computer

Mainframe systems have a very high storage capacity, which is why this type of system is used by companies that need to store a lot of data.

The processing speed of this system is also very fast. However, its processing speed and storage capacity are much lower than those of a supercomputer.

But still, this device has more storage capacity compared to others. Because not everyone can use it, it is necessary to have a very large space to keep it.

That is why the man frame system is used to complete all those tasks where a lot of data has to be collected and its processing speed is also required.

This type of device is used in banks and insurance companies. The size of this type is also quite big. But it is quite small in comparison.

To test this system, it is necessary to have an air conditioner. Mainframe computers are used to store data in big government institutions.

This type of system is also used in designing many types of projects. This type of instrument is used to keep financial records and also in stock markets.

C. Mini Computer

This system is of medium size, that is, it is a much smaller system than the mainframe.

It is used in all types of businesses. Due to its small size, it is quite easy to keep and use. It is mainly used by business companies. This system is also used in accounting.

This system is also cheaper than the mainframe system. Everyone can easily buy this system. The CPU installed in this device is capable of completing all the normal tasks. This type of equipment cannot be used in departments doing more powerful work like the Research Organic Centre.

D. Micro Computer

This system is smaller in size than a mini-computer. There is a CPU installed in it. The size of this CPU is also small. These computer courses are not very expensive.

The computers used at home and in schools are these types of computers.

This system can also be called a general-purpose computer. In this system, online studies, entertainment playing games, etc. are done. Apart from this, many types of work can also be completed with this equipment.

In Short

In today’s world, the age of computers has started to move because computers are being used in every field.

Till now, various types of computers have been made, due to which the way a person works has become much easier today. How many types of computers have been made till now, or we say what the types of computers, we learned about them in detail through this article. Knowing about this was very important for everyone.

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