Exploring the Internet: Its Origins, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Usefulness

Have you ever wondered how the Internet that you use all the time started? How it was created, and then how it has spread all over the world. What is the Internet, and where does it come from or who created it? So understand, in simple words, that

The Internet is a huge network of many computers connected that is spread all over the world. A network in which so many computers are connected that no one can count them.

Also, have you ever tried to know how the Internet was created and who its owner is? Today’s time is such that if you have only a mobile and it does not have internet, then it is of no use.


I don’t need to answer this question. Only you have the answer to this.

Today, people do not use mobile phones only for talking. A smartphone can also do the same work that a normal computer does. If you leave some work,.

In today’s post, you will learn about the Internet in complete detail. Nowadays, people manage every problem. But if the mobile does not have a battery and especially no internet, then it is as if the world is useless for it. It is difficult for some people to live without it.

Today’s youth have become such that whether they have something or not, they must have internet on their mobile. You can live without food for some time, but you cannot live without the internet.

There used to be a time when people had nothing to pass the time. People used to play different types of cards, Ludo, and other games, or they used to sing and listen to music for entertainment.

But right now, people don’t have time. We don’t even realize when time passes on the internet and mobile. Now we have the answer to every question on the Internet.

So in today’s post, we will know what the utility of the internet is and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

But before this, let us know what the internet is and what is the old name of the internet.


What is the Internet?

It connects any computer through a network and server. In technical terms, the Internet is a network system that connects the whole world and transmits data from different places to computers all over the world using TCP/IP .

When computers all over the world are connected and form a network, it is called a global network.

The website you open, read articles on, or watch videos on can be from any part of the world. And that data can be seen from any corner of the world.

All the data from all the websites in the world is saved or stored on the Internet.

The place where it is stored is called web hosting. If you do not know what web hosting is and how it works, then you can read it here.

Routers and servers are used to send data from one place to another on the Internet.

What Is the Definition Of the Internet?

The Internet is a network system that was created after connecting computers all over the world. TCP/IP is used to transmit all types of media files in this network.

Here, I am telling you some interesting things related to the Internet. So what is the net? This will be easy to understand. Your knowledge about NET will increase a little more after reading this.

The Internet is a huge network formed after connecting computers all over the world. With this, data can be sent and received from one computer to any computer in the world.

When some computers are connected, it is called a network. When many such small networks come together and form a network, it becomes a global network. In other words, it can also be called the World Wide Network.

Every computer connected to the Internet has a different identity. This special identity is called an IP address (Internet Protocol). An IP address is a unique set of numbers. Defines the location of each computer, such as (

This IP address is given a name using the domain name like example.com is a name. Now the question arises here that even when we switch off the computers, whenever we open the website, it opens.

So the thing to know here is that the computers that store the website are called servers. Servers are computers that are always ON. To keep the website running 24/7, the server is kept running all the time.

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I have personally seen the server room of a hosting provider company in Bangalore. Server rooms are quite large and the server systems are kept in racks. These servers keep working continuously for 24 hours.

What Is The Old Name Of the Internet?

The old name of the Internet is ARPANET. Whose full name is Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.

Who Created The Internet

To many people, the US Department of Defense laid the foundation of the Internet through the ARPANET project.

Robert Taylor and Lawrence Roberts made the main contributions in developing this project. In 1969, a message was sent for the first time through ARPANET.

For which a network was created by connecting the laboratory of Professor Leonard Kleinrock of California University (Los Angeles) to another network, Stanford Research Institute.

In 1970, the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) was developed by Robert E. Kahn and  Vint Cerf, which became the standard Internet protocol in ARPANET.

If it is truly said who created it or where did the net we use now come from? So let me tell you that the fathers of the internet are Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf.


History Of Internet

If we talk here about when the Internet started, then the year was 1969. This was the same day when for the first time a network was created by connecting more than one computer and messages were sent between these networks.

After this, it just kept on developing and today the era of 5G has arrived and it will continue to grow in the future also. So let’s take a look at how the Internet has reached us since its inception.

  • For the first time, a project named ARPANET was started for the Internet. It was developed by the American Defense Department in 1969 under the name Advance Research Project Agency Network.
  • ARPANET was created to secretly send messages between wars.
  • In 1972, Retamolins sent an email message for the first time. In this way, the use of email messages continued to increase. In this way, this network became very popular.
  • After this, for the first time in 1979, it was used as technology in the British Post Office.
  • Gradually, by 1984, 1000 computers were connected to this network.
  • Now it started happening that it started being used in other sectors also and its network kept expanding.
  • Then in 1986, the Internet was named NSFNET. And it has proved its importance all over the world.

Food is necessary for humans but eating too much causes stomach upset. Similarly, there are many benefits of using the internet properly. But it also causes a lot of harm due to excessive and wrong use. So let us know what are the advantages and disadvantages of NET.

Where Does The Internet Come From?

Sometimes it seems quite strange to hear where the Internet comes from which can be used anytime and from any part of the world.

I am going to give you the information here that this is nothing but a network created by connecting computers all over the world.

For websites, blogs, online apps, and online games that we play, the computer in which they are stored is called a server and it remains on 24 hours 7 days i.e. always.

Server facilities are provided by web hosting companies which provide 99.99% uptime i.e. their server computer is always on day and night.

Servers all over the world are connected through a cable which is called fiber optics cable, in which there is a facility for both incoming and outgoing data.

And the thickness of their cables is equal to human hair. It is capable of transferring data at high speed.

In this way, the entire responsibility of the Internet rests on these cables, because they have been laid from inside the ocean, and in this way, they are spread all over the world and provide the facility of Internet.

The contribution of satellites to the Internet is very little. Most of this is due to the cables laid under the ocean all over the world.

This is the reason that earlier internet facility was provided only through telephone lines, but today telecom companies allow people to use the internet through satellite in their smartphones.

Usefulness Of Internet

Friends, now we will know for what purposes we use the net in our lives and how we use it for our lives.

Online News: Today we do not even need to watch the radio or TV and we get all the latest news on our phones.

All the credit for this goes to the internet because thanks to this, today we can watch all kinds of news from India and abroad, sports, entertainment, etc. on our phone like a newspaper and also watch video news like on TV.

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Field of Education:  If we go back a few years, at that time only a few people used to use the Net. At that time, only books were used for studies.

When the facility Net came into our hands, it started being used in studies in every way.

If you go to Google now and search for any particular topic of any subject, you will get to read a lot of articles written on it.

Apart from this, online classes are also conducted. There is a website like Udemy which offers online courses. By going to YouTube, anyone can read and understand the videos made on any topic.

Medical Sector: Development in the medical sector and the use of the internet in it has greatly benefited people’s lives. Using a net server, the records of every patient of the hospital are recorded and kept online.

This is nothing, using high-speed internet, a doctor living in America operates on a patient in London. The entire credit for this goes to the net connection only.

Net Banking: There is no need to stand in long queues for depositing and withdrawing money because now many people have started using Internet banking.

The crowd in banks has reduced a lot and people can do all kinds of work sitting at home.

Advantages Of Internet

Everyone says the same thing about the Internet that is said about everything else.

There are many benefits of using anything as needed. The benefits of the internet are so many that there is no limit to them. a

Even in these times, there is a wealth of knowledge hidden in the net. At the same time, many tasks can also be completed while sitting at home using the internet. Let us go into some details.

  • Today, Facebook and WhatsApp are such services that every smartphone user uses. The benefits of these services are so great that you can talk through voice messages and video also.
  • Its most unique benefit is that the distance between people has ended.
  • Net provides a lot of benefits in the field of education. There are many websites in the world which are free and paid and which also provide education courses.
  • One of the major uses for which it is used is entertainment. MP3 songs, videos, and movies can all be easily watched on the net.
  • Platforms like YouTube have millions of videos, songs, and movies through which people entertain themselves.
  • There are many companies like Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal which provide home delivery services to people doing online shopping.
  • Through the net, we can reach our business to millions of people in a few days.
  • We also get the benefit of this in paying gas bills, electricity bills, credit card bills, mobile bills, and DTH bills.
  • People earn lakhs of rupees from home by doing blogging, YouTube videos, affiliate marketing, and online surveys.

Disadvantages Of Internet

Friends, everything in the world has a limit. Going beyond the limit means that we are again violating the rules.

Similarly, it also has thousands and lakhs of benefits and gives many benefits. But just as every coin has two sides, so is the internet too.

  • Some people get so addicted to the internet that they do not care about any work. And in such situations, people just waste their time.
  • We post a lot of details about ourselves on social media. Which is sometimes accessed by bad people. Which can be very harmful for us.
  • Our account can also be misused on the net.
  • Sometimes some people also spread rumours. Even if it is wrong information, it does not take any time for it to go viral on the net.
  • Virus attacks have been happening ever since the internet was created. This is the biggest threat which can cause loss worth lakhs of crores by destroying any information.
  • Nowadays even children are given mobile phones. It is very easy to access pornography content on mobile. This has a very bad effect on children.
  • Sometimes accounts on social media sites and groups are accessed and bad messages are left. These messages are also such that they have a bad impact on the society.

In Short

Just think once that if the internet used in our mobile stops working, that too for 1 month, then what will come to your mind for a moment?

You will think that we cannot spend even an hour without the Internet, how will we spend so many days? Today the Internet is used in every corner of the world. Earlier it was used less but now it is available in everyone’s hands.

I hope you like this post, what is the internet and where does the internet come from? In this post, you also learned what is the usefulness of the internet.

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