Creating a Resume: Master the Art of Creating Bio Data in Just 10 Minutes

Many people, even today, do not know how to make a resume. No matter what type of job it is, be it a teacher, engineer, or doctor, everyone has the desire to change jobs, and hence they need to make a resume based on their experience.

People who are in private jobs often keep switching jobs. In such a situation, a resume is the only medium that works to impress the company in the form of a document about their quality and talent.

It is said that the first impression is the last. Here, we will not only tell you how to make a resume from a mobile phone but will also tell you how to make a resume on a computer using MS Word.

If you have some knowledge about resumes, then you would also know that resumes should be prepared according to the company. Whenever a person wants to apply for a job, a resume is asked for in the email. Even today, there are many websites to get jobs online, like, and

But on these websites, you also have to upload a resume for yourself and keep updating it from time to time. But here the question arises: how do I make a good resume?

After today, you will not need to take help from anyone in making a resume for the rest of your life, so let’s learn how to make a resume on a computer.

What Is Resume?

a resume

A resume is a document that is used to briefly show your work experience, education, skills, and achievements to a job-offering company.

This is usually required as part of a job application. This tells the company about you and your qualifications, whether you are eligible to get the job at that company or not.

First of all, based on this document, it is seen whether you can sit for the job interview or not, and only after that is the interview taken.

Earlier, speed mail was used to send the resume, and the resume was sent by putting it in the cover letter. But the situation has completely changed now.

Nowadays, resumes for job interviews are sent through email before the interview takes place. When the employer feels that the candidate is eligible to work for that company, he invites him for an interview.

The word resume is derived from the French word resume, which means “summary,”  which we know in English as summary. Leonardo Da Vinci is credited with the first resume.

However, his resume was sent in the form of a letter, and he sent it to a major employer, Ludovico Sforza, in 1481–1482.

For the next 450 years, it was used only as a description of a person, in which it was written about his qualifications and previous work experience.

But in the 19th century, it started being given a lot of value and started being used continuously.

A resume is also known as a CV or biodata.

Full Form Of CV

Curriculum vitae

How Do You Make a Resume?

Till now, we have learned what a resume is and how it started. Where is the birthplace of this word and how has it reached us since then? But the most important thing here is how to make a resume.

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For some people, it seems like a mountain to climb. But from now on, you should stop thinking about why it is so easy. Now here, I am going to tell you how to make a resume from mobile.

How Do You Make a Resume on the Phone?

Not all people have access to a computer, and many people do not even have enough time to go to an internet center to get a resume made. Smartphones are now available to almost every person.

So if the question arises whether a resume can be made only through a mobile phone, then the answer is yes. Yes, you can make it from your phone, and that too in just a few minutes. So let us know about it in detail.

You will have to install the application for this. Although many applications are available in the Play Store, the best application is MS Word for both mobile and desktop computers.

You can install the MS Word app on your phone, apart from this, if you want, you can install other resume-making apps in which you will get ready-made templates, just choose the template or design of your choice and fill in your details. Your biodata will be ready.

Different people have different questions. There are two types of resumes: If someone is a teacher, then he wants to make a resume similar to the one made for a teacher.

But overall, every working person needs to change jobs to progress in his career, and for this, he needs an updated resume from time to time.

Let us know the step-by-step method of making a resume.

1. Install The App

First of all, you have to go to your Play Store and install MS Word or this app Resume /CV builder App from there. After this, open this app.

Yes, the first option you will see is to create a resume, click on it, and then fill in the details given below one by one.

2. Enter Basic Details 

Under this, you have to write your name, address, email address, and phone number. After writing this, you move ahead.

3. Write About Personal Information 

Fill in personal information like your birthday, and whether you are married or not. If you are married, then write Married, if not married, then leave it as Unmarried. Also, write the names of the languages ​​of which you know. You should also indicate here which country you are a citizen of.

4. Write Career Objectives 

In this section, you have to talk about your career goals. Write career objectives every time after seeing the company, and they always keep changing.

5. Give Information About Education 

You should give complete information about your education, i.e. what course you have done, what is the name of the institute, and what is the percentage/CGPA obtained in it. In which year did you pass that course?

6. Share Experience 

If you have done any job, then write about it here, like what was the name of your organization, in which department you were in that company, and what was your designation. What was your joining date? What were your roles and responsibilities there?

7. Projects (Tell Us About The Projects You Have Worked On)

If you worked on any project during your studies, then mention it here. What is the title of your project? Also, tell us what it is about.

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8. Technical Skills (Write Your Technical Skills)

If you have any kind of technical skill, then tell about it here also, this will increase your chances of getting the job.

9. Interests (Tell Us About Your Interests)

Tell me about your hobbies like what you like to do like playing cricket, using the Internet, playing chess, watching football, listening to music, etc.

10. Industrial Exposure (Training, Internship, etc.)

Many people join some industry for training or internships in between their studies and take industrial training for one to 6 months. If you have also taken some such training, then please share it.

11. Achievements & Awards  

If you have been given any kind of title or award for any unique work while studying or working in another company, then definitely write it here. This will help to showcase your quality and abilities better and stronger.

12. Activities 

Extracurricular activities are organized in colleges and many companies and people also participate in them.

If you have also participated in any curricular activity, then write about it like planting trees, participating in any competition, completing any activity there, etc.

13. Personal Strength 

There is something different and special in every person. No one except you can know what your strong points are. Write about your strong points, what you are very good at, and what you are an expert in.

For example, I keep positive thinking. I love teamwork and am very good at it. I do not give up after completing any work i.e. strongly determined.

14. Reference 

If your reference has been given by someone, then write about him and also mention him here. Please also provide the reference name, reference organization, reference email, and reference mobile number as information.

15. Declaration 

Finally, you should verify that whatever you have written above is true and that there is nothing wrong with it.

16. Photo And Signature

These are some extra things that you can add if you want, and there is no problem if you don’t.

What Things Are Important To Pay Attention To While Making A Resume?

  • While making a resume, take special care to keep it professional.
  • Write only those things that are true.
  • Do not write anything about which you are not aware, because the interviewer asks questions based on what is written in your document.
  • If you are writing about your achievements, then keep it short and simple and do not exaggerate.
  • It is better to use as beautiful and simple a format as possible and not too flashy a format.
  • Never make a very long resume, keep it to a maximum of three pages only.
  • One important thing is that you should not make any kind of spelling mistake in this and keep the border and design regularly everywhere. If you create it yourself in MS Word, then take special care of these things.

In Short

Friends, in today’s time, everyone needs a resume, but every time you would not like to go to someone and get it made, that is why in today’s post we learned what a resume is and how to make a resume from a mobile phone.

After studies and at the time of changing jobs, new biodata are required to apply for any other job. No one likes to get it made by someone else every time. If you become capable yourself, then it is very good.

Although, even if you have the facility of a computer, you can easily prepare a resume by going to MS Word, what should those poor people who do not have a computer even if they do not have a computer, everyone has a smartphone?

This is the reason why in this post we have explained how to make a resume on a computer so that a citizen can prepare a resume while sitting at home.

This post will help you completely become capable. I hope you have liked this post, if you liked it then share it as much as possible on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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