An Introduction to the Java Programming Language

Java is a high-level programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems. It was primarily designed for developing programs for set-top boxes and handheld devices.

But later, it became a popular language for creating web applications. Java syntax is similar to C++, but is an object-oriented programming language.

Today in this article, we are going to learn about the Java programming language, which is used today in computers, mobile phones, and many other places.

This is a language whose name almost everyone in this internet world has heard at least once.

If you have not heard, then today you will learn what is Java and how to learn Java

Today, the demand for the Java programming language is increasing all over the world. Keeping this demand in mind, today special classes are given to the students for this.

Apart from this, to learn it, students also join coaching centers by paying money so that they can have a good knowledge of the language.

Given its increasing demand, we have prepared this post in which we will learn one by one in detail about what Java is, how to learn Java, its history, etc.

If you do not know much about it or you want to learn Java, then read this post carefully until the bottom.

Introduction To Java Programming

Java is an open-platform computer programming language.

Programming language because the Java compiler converts the instructions given in the program into bytes.

Which can be run in any computer machine and the size of primitive data types is machine-independent.

This means that no special type of computer machine is required for this type of data.

It can be used on any computer machine, and programs made in the programming language can be run on any computer.

This language is very portable compared to other programming languages. The program written in this language is easily copied onto any computer.

Apart from this, there is no need to make changes in the hardware, microprocessor, or software of the system to run it.

Through this, we can create programs to be used on the same computer.

Programs are made in C and C++ languages.

It is completely based on the programming languages C and C++. But it has some features that are completely different from C and C++.

You will find it on more than 3 million devices around the world. From this, you can imagine how popular this programming language can be.

It is an object-oriented programming language that is known as a high-level language.

It is considered a high-level language because it can be easily written and read.

Today, it has become a language whose importance is increasing everywhere. This is the reason why everyone today, be it a student or anyone else, wants to learn this language.

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The best thing for the student is that if you learn it well, then your chances of getting a job in many places increase.

Also, with its help, you can learn coding and create applications, There are other places where you can use it.

It is not very difficult to learn it. If you have good knowledge of C, and C++, then you can learn this language very easily because Java programming is the base of C and C++.

If you want to learn the Java programming language and want to get more information about it, then read this post completely to the bottom.

What Is The History Of Java Programming?

It is an oriental programming language that was developed by James Gosling in 1991 by Sun Microsystem.

But its first version, JDK1.0, was made public in 1995. Its initial name was Oak.

At that time, there was no idea as to what to name it and then there was a tree named Oak outside Gosling’s workplace, and after seeing this oak tree, it was named Oak.

After some days, it was also known as green.

However, later, it was changed to Java. As it is a language based on C and C++ but it has some object models and some good features from C, and C++.

This language was mainly developed for devices like Set-Top boxes, cable, remote, and TV. But it has become quite popular in a short time and today this programming language is being used in many places like the Internet, application development, programs, etc.

As technology progressed, many versions were released, which you can see below:

  • JDK Alpha and Beta (1995)
  • JDK 1.0 ( 1996)
  • JDK 1.1 ( 1997)
  • J2SE 1.2 ( 1998)
  • J2SE 1.3 ( 2000)
  • J2SE 1.4 ( 2002)
  • J2SE 5.0 ( 2004)
  • Java SE 6 (2006)
  • Java SE 7 (2011)
  • Java SE 8 (2014)
  • Java SE 9 (2017)
  • Java SE 10 (2018)

Features Of JAVA Programming

Today, this language is used in many machines around the world. With the advent of this programming language, there has been a lot of change in the ability to work on computers.

Which means that programming or coding has become much easier.

Due to its features, this language is used on more than 3 million devices today.

You can understand yourself when it is being used on more than 3 million devices.

We have told you about some important features of this language, which you can read below:

  • This is a high-level language.
  • This programming language is more secure than other languages ​​like C, and C++.
  • It is the most popular programming language around the world and is used today to create all commercial software.
  • Using this, distributed software can be created, that is, software that can be used simultaneously on different connected computers.

How To Learn Java Programming

If you want to learn the Java programming language, then first of all you need to know programming languages ​​like C, and C++.

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If you have good knowledge of C, and C++ then you can easily learn Java programming language.

Youtube Videos

If you open YouTube and watch it, you will find thousands of channels that will teach you this programming language.

You can learn this language from any channel, according to your language.

As you know, more and more work is being done online today, so you can take advantage of YouTube to learn Java.

All the videos to learn Java programming can be found on YouTube, where you can learn Java programming very easily.

Computer Courses Institution

There are computer institutes in every field that provide all types of computer courses to people.

You are also given the facility to do Java courses in computer institutes, and you can easily avail of its benefits.

Structure Of Java Programming

When we write a program, it is written step-by-step in the form of a structure.

There are some sections in every program that we can call the structure of the program, about which it is very important to know.

That is why, below, we have explained how a program is created with its help and what the meaning of the classes used in it.

Some basic structures of Java are as follows:

  • Documentation Section
  • Package Statement
  • Import Statements
  • Interface Statement
  • Class Definition
  • Main Method Class

Document Section

This is the program’s comment line group. documents related to the program, such as when and who created the program. There is information about this.

Package Statement

You can create a package with any name in the program. To create a package statement, it has to be used, like the example given below. for example

example :- package student;

Important Statement

An important statement is used to connect C or C++, an example of which you can see below.

example:- import calc. add;

Interface Statement

If multiple inheritances have to be used in the program, then implementation is used.

class Definition

When multiple classes are used in the program, then multiple classes are used in the definition section.


class <class_name>


data member ;

member method;


Main Class

There can be many classes in the program but in the stand program, it is necessary to have a dot in the beginning.



    main method statement 


In Short

Today we told you in detail about Java programming language which is very important for today’s Internet era.

If you are a student then this post can be most useful for you.

After learning this, you can develop apps and also create software using Java coding. In this way, you can earn a good income from this.

Today, there is a demand all over the world for people knowing such developers.

In today’s post, we told you what is Java and what is its history. Apart from this, it was also told how to learn this programming language.

If you have not understood anything about Java in this post or you have any questions about Java, then you can ask us by commenting.

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